
ApprenticeshipsGovernment Learnerships
Learnerships Companies


About Compass Consulting Learnerships 2021-2022

About Compass Consulting Learnerships 2021-2022
Compass Consulting is offering learnership programmes for dedicated South African individuals who wish to pursue a career in this unique B-BBEE-based industry. The Compass Consulting Learnerships is a 12-month session that will teach you the very foundations of the company’s line of work. Chosen learners will be entitled to a combination of theoretical assessments and practical working sessions designed to give you basic work exposure.


Throughout the course of the learnership, participants will be given a monthly allowance of R3 000 to support their journey. The allowance amount will remain the same throughout the entire 12 months of the programme. Due to the period of time with this learnership, interested candidates must commit their time to this programme as it is a full-time opportunity. To receive the qualifications that comes with this learnership, participants must successfully pass all of the theoretical training and practical workplace sessions.


About Compass Consulting Learnerships 2021-2022


Compass Consulting Learnerships Qualifications 2021

Compass Consulting Learnership Requirements 2021

How to Apply Fo Compass Consulting Learnership 2021-2022
